Medicare Insurance is a health insurance program to help those 65 or order afford good, quality healthcare. Medicare is broken up into four parts: A, B, C, and D. Both A and B are government sponsored plans that cover some basic health insurance needs like hospitals stays and doctor visits. If you need more coverage for things like prescription drug benefits, dental or hearing you’ll need what’s call a Medicare Supplement. There are several ways to put together a Medicare Supplement package to make sure you get the best coverage at an affordable price.

Medicare Part A deals with your hospital insurance. Like most people, you qualify for premium-free Part A if: you turn 65 and you or your spouse paid Medicare taxes while working, or prior to turning age 65: you become permanently disabled or have EndStage Renal Disease. Upon Satisfying one of these requirements, you will automatically be enrolled in Part A unless otherwise requested.

For more information regarding medicare benefits, click on the updated Medicare Card below