Amy Sohnrey

Amy Sohnrey has been a proud member of the Withrow Insurance Team since 2017. After growing up in beautiful Fort Bragg, she relocated to Chico in order to pursue a business degree. In 2013, Amy graduated Chico State with a Bachelors Degree in Business with a focus on Human Resources. In 2014, she married into a local farming family and placed her roots in Butte County.

After helping to build a family business, she was was ready for a new challenge and accepted a position from Heath to help grow his insurance business even more. Fast forward to today, Amy and her husband, Derek, have welcomed three daughters: Georgia(6) and twins Goldie & Gracie(3). With her attention to detail and problem solving skills, Amy focuses on special projects and IT in order to keep the business running smoothly. Reach out today to see what Amy and the team at Withrow Insurance can do for you!